Tuesday, July 24, 2007

ZAD Alcohol Detoxification Treatment– Sec.21

Authors Note: - Zero Alcohol Drink – Alcohol Detoxification Clinical Therapy (ZAD-ADCT) is the most important Document so far in my ZAD venture. It was first published in 2005. In this blog publication, I divide it into its several small “subtitle” sections and post it one by one so to make it more appropriate to the blog reading.

This is its Twenty first section.

ZAD-ADCT Cognitive Motivational Therapy (CMT) (c)

For instance, in the matters of food take the particular substance sugar. It is commonsense for the people having problems with high sugar diet to replace it with the low sugar diet, even with the artificial sweeteners! The same can be said about the high fat diet! Of course the sugar, fat (protein) even the alcohol each may have their unique pleasures, nevertheless each have their own pleasure substitute substances capable of replacing or compensating it more or less provided one remains open-minded! In fact the substitute can be far more pleasurable, enjoyable and beneficial to the health as a whole if one accepts it with an open mind! On the other hand its total abstinence could be a nagging pain of depravity in life and we have only one life to live! Sex is the another highly compulsive subject where the excessive harmful indulgence (abuse) and its dangerous consequences can be prevented or avoided by using many of its available substitute that could provide far better pleasure enjoyment if one keeps an open-mind about it. When total abstinence is not an option for whatever reasons, one can find a safe alternative way to enjoy those pleasures (say condom among other things) instead directly exposing oneself to its deadly disease! It will be a big topic to elaborate so now here I only take our present issue of the excessive alcohol consumption and the best natural way to prevent it while continue to fully enjoy the pleasures of its drinking!

Of course we totally agree that the “alcohol drinking” the way it has been practiced today, the irresponsible way the alcohol policy makers allowing such high alcohol content (%) beverages as “standard alcohol drinks” of ‘safe drinking limits or levels’ without the proper safety precautions, could potentially lead the “people at risk” (young, vulnerable, predisposed) into its excessive alcohol consumption! Tragically enough, even their third standard alcohol drink of beer (12 ounce around 5% alcohol) which contains the lowest alcohol percentage in their recommended list of standard alcohol drinks, in fact positively and treacherously leads particularly the alcohol dependent (alcoholic) people mostly into its hazardous, harmful or the excessive use, termed as the “impaired (loss of) control” whether they like it or not, if they start its drinking!

(See its following part in the next post.)

Valerian Texeira.

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