Thursday, July 19, 2007

ZAD Alcohol Detoxification Treatment– Sec. 10

Authors Note: - Zero Alcohol Drink – Alcohol Detoxification Clinical Therapy (ZAD-ADCT) is the most important Document so far in my ZAD venture. It was first published in 2005. In this blog publication, I divide it into its several small “subtitle” sections and post it one by one so to make it more appropriate to the blog reading.

This is its Tenth section.

The Conventional ADT vs. The ZAD-ADT (a)

However it is very important to know in here that even though the ZAD fundamentally disagree with the conventional alcohol detoxification’s total abstinence (alcohol free state) immediate and long-term objectives nevertheless, basically they both share the same “common goal” of the alcohol detoxification treatment mentioned in the following; “Alcohol detoxification can be defined as a period of medical treatment, usually including counseling, during which a person is helped to overcome physical and psychological dependence on alcohol (Chang and Kosten 1997)”[17]”. This gives us the great hopes that we both may realize the need to work together as the providers of alternative alcoholism treatment options to achieve our common goal to enable the alcohol dependents (alcoholics) to “overcome” their physical and psychological dependence on alcohol through out their life!

Most interestingly, there exists the “paradoxical” parallel between the two! The conventional total abstinence alcoholism treatments in the short term as well as on the longer run could potentially (biologically and psychologically) create desire, craving and temptation in those alcoholic people to drink and fall back into the same old or even worse kind of excessive amounts of alcohol consumption state or condition called as the “relapse”! According to the statistics an overwhelming majority of the alcohol dependent people who start to follow total abstinence tragically fall into the recidivism (relapse) within the first year! On the other hand the ZAD-ADCT claims that it could potentially turn the alcohol dependent into a very light or a social drinker who most of the times remain in a long time abstinence from the alcohol! Therefore, it is not right to assume that the ZAD model is against or in direct conflict with the total abstinence option. In fact, the ZAD model considers that the ZAD practice is the best, natural pathway of opting for any degree of alcohol abstinence (read our “Flexible ZAD Practice”[3]). What we fundamentally oppose is the establishments alcoholism dogma of total abstinence that instills fear psychosis, phobia, propagating falsehood about the alcohol drink causing the hidden abnormal (genetic) drug desire that specially turns the alcoholics getting out of control over its consumptions due its whatever mystical (“often strong, sometimes overpowering”) powers! They may have all their good intensions in promulgating such total abstinence dogmas but the main problem is; they encourage the persons “loss of (impaired) control” behavior while at the same time discouraging their any attempt to limit, reduce or control their drinking if they start it! In general, these conventional total abstinence based alcohol detoxification (AW) treatments brutally suppress the craving, urge, for the drink and spitefully deprive pleasure enjoyment of the drink satiety from the so called alcoholics lives, which could potentially backfire into the dreaded “relapse” bringing in tragic consequences in their life!

(See its following part in the next post.)

Valerian Texeira.

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