Thursday, July 12, 2007

ZAD BOOK- 2000 Preface

ZAD BOOK- 2000 Preface

The scientific method of minimizing alcohol to zero alcohol drink has been derived from my own deep personal experience, and the overall knowledge gained from other resources around. I started drinking alcohol relatively late, at the age of 33 years. But as soon as I was introduced, I developed a strong habit of it. Initially it was a small peg of 60ml. but pretty soon, within some months I required at least a minimum of 100ml., or around three Standard Alcohol drink (STD) in the evenings. This is very serious considering from the very beginning I was aware of its dangerous consequences and was very careful not to exceed the limit.

Fortunately or unfortunately; then I found an easy access and availability of alcohol at its cost price. Soon after my daily minimum shot up to 180ml. ( around 5 STD) a day, despite my trying hard and control and to limit. As soon as I took the alcohol, it carried me away from my previous resolutions and I went on drinking more and more. Year after year, the grip of alcohol habit became strong and stronger in me. At around the fifth year I became almost an alcoholic. I was probably drinking more or less around 10 drinks every day evening. The alcohol started having very obnoxious effect on my body and on my mind. I was experiencing high tolerance to alcohol, withdrawal symptoms fear psychosis health deteriorations as a whole.

There I realized for sure I am utterly failing to my family, friends and to my work. I cannot reduce, limit or control my drinking. Panic stricken, I knew the only one way to come out of this alcohol, I have seen it in many of the people whom I do know, even though I knew it is very hard, sad and difficult thing to do. I immediately stopped drinking alcohol and squarely faced its withdrawal nightmarish sleepless experience. It was for only one week then my mental and physical health stability gradually returned to normal. For more than one year I remained sober. The haunting fear of the disastrous consequences of drinking alcohol kept me away from it.

But after some time the fear started dampening. I was missing something very important in my life. I could not bear this grueling tedious boring life. I am not free to choose something that would give me little relief satisfaction comfort in life. I am forbidden to do something, which I see many people around me have all the freedom to do, apparently with no sign of alcohol weakness. If they can do it, why can't I? Only this time I must be very careful not to exceed my minimum limit of 60 ml. (around two drinks) in the evenings just for a little relax and never to cross the upper maximum limit of 100ml. a day. So; after more than one year of total abstinence, I once again started back drinking alcohol. At first 60ml., quickly my sense of determination dwindled.

Quite soon, I was drinking a minimum of 180ml. bottle every day evening. Then I was learning to live with my alcohol affliction. Some days my alcohol went up to 300-400 even 500ml. (around 15 drinks) in the evenings, but I was never really able to come down much less than the minimum 180ml. in the evening or I would get terribly restless, sleepless that night). There I have to schedule all my days' work to suit my schedule of drinking. I canceled all my evenings work appointments and other activities to facilitate my evenings drinking habit. During my whole drinking carrier, I never missed out even a single day's of alcohol (except when I totally abstained) drinking. It was such a blind faith, belief on the healing powers of alcohol adhered by supposedly a rational person like me.

Of course, I had completely stopped drinking three or four times during my entire 15 years of drinking carrier. When the situation threatened leading into extreme disaster, when I was exceeding my minimum limit three, four times more. When I became physically very weak and mentally unstable and frightened. But sooner in my sobriety I was finding the day-to-day life deadly boring. (Although I found it is very hard to stop the drinking habit because it immediately results in horrifying withdrawal syndrome. Nevertheless it becomes intriguingly much more difficult to sustain or bear the life without the drinking habit. This is why in my opinion most of the people don't even give it a try) I was missing some important part of my life, what is life worth living for? Within months I was once again back into my bad old drinking habit.

The decade long years of alcoholism started showing a telltale effect on my body and on my mind. I was desperately trying to come out of this disastrous alcohol; at the same time I could not imagine living without its support, comforts or the pleasures. It provided me relief, relaxation, fulfillment in my day-to-day life; I could neither quit nor continue with this stuff! Is there any proper alternative method to solve this monstrous alcohol problem? The contemporary alcoholism prevention treatment literatures clearly states that the only one possible solution is to completely give up alcohol, stop drinking and never drink alcohol again your life. But I was not at all ready to give it up completely because I knew I would soon relapse back into the drinking.

In my total despair finally a idea (necessity is the mother of invention) of limiting my alcohol consumption came to my mind, I was not sure and not really convinced whether it would work. However I desperately wanted to give it a try because now I had all its basic facilities (fridge, soda, cola, taste appetizer) available, then I had nothing to loose.

So first time in my alcohol-drinking carrier I consciously adopted this new alcohol drinking method to reduce my alcohol consumption. Then to my utter surprise I was able to radically reduce my alcohol from the 250ml.,(around seven drinks) of average minimum to 100ml.,(around three drinks) in the first day evening itself! This is amazing so far is the greatest and the fastest achievement in my life! I could easily continue with this drinking method for the week and into the next week without any difficulty.

In fact this method was providing me with better kind of physical and mental satisfaction and fulfillment. Then I was growing in confidence. Why not try and venture into the next reduction? There I was able to further reduce my daily minimum alcohol down to 60ml., (around two drinks) which is what I used to drink at the beginning of my alcohol-drinking carrier.

There I was feeling so happy. First of all I felt no physical or mental strains, discomfort or withdrawal in any way in reducing my alcohol consumption by this method. Truly, it was giving me far better satisfaction and fulfillment than what I used to have before. Most of all, it started improving my mental and physical health. Now the habit cost me far less in terms of my finance. In one word it improved my economical, physical and psychological health standards tremendously.

Probably; two or three months have passed since I adopted this drinking method and I had no inclination to return back to the old way of drinking practice or to increase my alcohol in any way. I would rather go forward into the opposite direction. So why not try this method still further? There I conducted the next step of reducing my alcohol step by step from this 60ml., to the minimum 20ml., a day! I made it! There was no more a surprise, but definitely I had gained a huge self-confidence. Drinking alcohol now had become a fair game, interesting gamble where you can always defeat your alcohol opponent so far as you follow its rules correctly.

The final zero alcohol drink happened quite accidentally! One day that for some reason or other, I simply forgot to drink my usual minimum quota of alcohol and went to bed to sleep. I was overjoyed in the next morning when I realized it, experiencing its final triumph. Now I knew for sure I am naturally grown to neglect or ignore alcohol in my daily life. There is no more necessity whatsoever.

Days passed into a week still I was happily continuing with my zero alcohol as happy as before. After a week of zero alcohol to make myself clear, I once again started drinking alcohol from where I left it, 20ml. daily evenings. However, I had no wish or desire to increase my alcohol. I rather minimize it from 20m., 10ml. (around one third of a standard Alcohol Drink!) which means one or two teaspoons a day in practical terms!

Then I had this reckless experiment! I drank nearly one bottle (around 18 drinks) of alcohol for the day evening (worst hangover in my life) and returned back to my zero alcohol in the following days. Believe it or not imagine a person like me who was so much addicted to alcohol for more than a decade, showing little interest (10ml.) to alcohol drink and throwing the rest of the bottle out of the window without giving it any second thoughts. I had no doubt that I have been completely cured from my alcoholism.

If this method treatment cure works on me, it should also generally work on people like me! Then why on earth all the alcohol preventions treatment health literatures, institutions, authorities proclaim that ‘opting for low-alcohol drinking, to prevent or eliminate alcoholism particularly the dependence cannot succeed or such attempts bound to fail (due to the loss or “impaired control” symptom of the alcohol dependence) if the people try it’!

They proclaim that alcoholism is a chronic disease there is no real cure for it. They contend that a alcohol dependent (diagnosed) person can not reduce or his/her alcohol consumtion to a safe minimum level. But now my new alcohol drinking method proves they are completely wrong! (Excuse me.) One can definitely reduce and minimize his alcohol even after becoming dependent to alcohol (their definition) and completely get cured of the disease without leaving any trace of it.

The most important realization that got in me is that, this would help not only those alcoholics but also those millions of alcohol drinkers belonging to every (Alcohol Use Disorder AUD) category, those people who unwittingly fall to alcohol abuse every day.

Now to cut it short., I wrote and completed its paper and published its book “A Scientific Method to Minimize Alcohol: THE ZERO ALCOHOL DRINK THEORY” in the year 2000. The rest of it, I have explained in the first introduction in this blog site so I hope so I need not repeat it in here.

Yours Sincerely

Valerian Texeira.
Alcoholics Curewell
St. Joseph Nagar
Mangalore –575002 INDIA.

PS. In this 2007 edition of this Preface I have made some corrections also deleted some portion (especially the last part) to make it more relevant to this blog edition.

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