Friday, July 27, 2007

ZAD Alcohol Detoxification Treatment– Sec.36

Authors Note: - Zero Alcohol Drink – Alcohol Detoxification Clinical Therapy (ZAD-ADCT) is the most important Document so far in my ZAD venture. It was first published in 2005. In this blog publication, I divide it into its several small “subtitle” sections and post it one by one so to make it more appropriate to the blog reading.

This is its Thirty Sixth section.

ZAD-ADCT Final Third Week (a)

The candidates entering the ZAD-ADCT third and final week needs to conduct their LAB Drinking at their own residential (home) environment. However as a motivational incentive, they will be supplied with a given daily quota of non-alcoholic (0.5%) beverages with a set of LAB drinking glasses as a presentation! However they have to make their own arrangement for its alcohol part if they want! --- (Perhaps they may be shown where to get the 1.2% LAD if they want!) They have to visit the center or the staff members will to visit or make phone call to their home once in two or three days in this week as informed before. --- All they have to do is first to remain within the safe alcohol consumption limits and to further minimize the portion of alcohol in their drink as much as possible and if feasible accomplishing literally the zero (non) alcohol beverage drinking!

The final day of the ZAD-ADCT will be the last day of the third week, a Sunday. Make it a full day session! --- This marks the beginning of the “ZAD Practice”! From here onwards the participants of this ZAD-ADCT therapy, basically enters into the ZAD practice! --- The essence of this ZAD “practice” or method importantly summed up in the “principle key notes”, which I reiterate in the next section. --- One of the surprising outcomes of the ZAD practice happens to be that it is the most natural and the best way to achieve “total abstinence”. --- This happens mainly because as the ZAD practice quite effectively reduces and removes their physical dependence on alcohol which in turn results in eliminating their biological/neurological and the psychological desire or craving for that drug! ---Therefore the total abstinence becomes a viable, inviting prospect for the people who choose this option for whatever reasons! --- We are happy whenever this happens, immediately or on the longer run! --- However one should know that it is fundamentally different from its parallel running dogmatic counterpart conventional ‘total abstinence based recovery’! --- I have explained more on this matter in the earlier “ZAD-ADCT Cognitive Motivational Therapy” section of this paper.

(See its following part in the next post.)

Valerian Texeira.

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