Sunday, July 22, 2007

ZAD Alcohol Detoxification Treatment– Sec. 11

Authors Note: - Zero Alcohol Drink – Alcohol Detoxification Clinical Therapy (ZAD-ADCT) is the most important Document so far in my ZAD venture. It was first published in 2005. In this blog publication, I divide it into its several small “subtitle” sections and post it one by one so to make it more appropriate to the blog reading.

This is its Eleventh section.

Part -II
The ZAD-ADCT Principle Guidelines and Parameters

Preliminary (a)

So far in the treatment of alcohol dependence (alcoholism), “total abstinence” has been projected as the only one basic option for the alcoholics to obtain their alcohol detoxification and the recovery! Now perhaps, it is for the first in the modern history of alcoholism prevention and treatment, emerges our resolute claim of an alternative to that conventional “total abstinence” based alcohol detoxification (AW) and the recovery treatment, laid down in the form of the lower-alcoholic beverage drinking! This ZAD-ADCT offers “alcohol (provided in its LAB drinking) as the treatment drug” for the alcohol dependents to successfully obtain their alcohol detoxification and to get rid of the dependence; projecting its “ZAD practice” as the most natural way for them to come out the dependence and getting cured of it (alcoholism) completely! Followings are its principle guidelines and the parameters.

Preliminary (a)

A person in my situation putting forward a “Research Proposal” to conduct the ZAD Alcohol Detoxification Trial Therapy, first of all needs to conduct a “full-time” preliminary alcoholism treatment field survey assessment work. This mainly involves an extensive going around and locating the alcoholism treatments facilities available in a given area where one plans to start this ZAD-ADCT setting. Visit those alcohol detoxification (AW) treatment facilities in particular and meet their personals with appropriate channels. Make a presentation of the ZAD model, under the principal aim of general alcoholism prevention and treatment; Try to convince them that our first priority is to provide, “total abstinence” based alcohol detoxification treatment and only latter to provide the ZAD-ADCT therapy for only to those who fail so willing to take this alternative option! Request them to allow us (me) to participate, study and learn about their alcoholism treatment! Here I expect to encounter some resistance to my ZAD-ADCT ideas from these alcoholism treatment health establishments. It may take a great deal of time and effort on my part to overcome the possible opposition, hostility even to just gain a entry in to these alcohol detoxification facilities! I may need to visit other towns and cities on this purpose! If some of these facilities allow us (me) to participate and study in their treatment for a given period of time then I would consider it to be a big success on my part. It will provide me a great learning opportunity by understanding the realities of the alcohol detoxification (AW) and the conventional alcoholism treatment in general. (This is very important because one should remember that the best way to establish any ZAD-ADCT setup is; first to begin as a conventional alcohol detoxification center and start with providing exclusively “total abstinence” based detoxification, for those who seek the treatment.) Among other things, in this field survey work I am also hoping to get a critical overview of the given situation, to consider the required capacity (resources) to accomplish its forthcoming task! All this may require at least a year of “full-time work” on my part. With its completion, a major part of this “ZAD research proposals” preliminary field assessment (one year full-time) work would be over!

(See its following part in the next post.)

Valerian Texeira.

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